Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Block Plan...I miss you!

So, today marks day number three of classes. My schedule looks like this:

M/W/F: Intensive Spanish from 10:45-1:45
T/TR: 9:00-10:30 Mediterranean Environment
3:15-5:15 Mediterranean Oceanography
5:30-7:00 Sustainability: Challenges and Responses
I am not used to taking more than one class at a time! For those who don't know how CC's schedule works, we are on the Block Plan, which means we take one class at a time. Everyday for three and a half weeks, I take one class M-F, from 9-12. Then I take my final/write a paper/presentation/etc, and have five days off (block break), and a whole new class begins. So right now is my first time in college taking THREE classes in one day. It's wild. It solidifies the fact that the Block Plan suits my learning style the best. The work load for each class is kind of comical to me. Two days to read 30 pages? I'm totally fine with that! It beats reading an entire book in one night. We have an entire MONTH to write a paper! This is all new to me. I am going to enjoy the freedom this is going to give me; however I have a feeling if I'm not careful, all the work could creep up on me and be a little overwhelming. I am going to be struggling very much when I have four midterms in the same week.

To continue my "I love CC" blog post, I was really unimpressed by the majority of the other students in my class. The main word I could use to describe them is rude. There were students openly talking while the professor was talking, phones were going off, people packed up their things before class was officially over, kids were talking so loud during attendance that we couldn't hear our names being called, some kids were sassing professors on the first day, and more. I really couldn't believe it. Many of the CC kids in the program are on the same page as I am. At our school, the first day of the class it's like "Hi. I'm Lauren, you're -first name of the professor- , I'm here to learn and work hard, you're here to challenge me and help me grow as a person and make me hate life at times, and yes, I would love to have breakfast at your house tomorrow." There is a mutual respect between student and teacher, and I do not feel like that is present here. I might be acting a little judgmental right now...maybe it was just because it was the first day and people were not in "school mode" yet, but I hope it changes. I'm sure it will.

Last night, some friends and I went to what we thought was going to be a Bob Dylan/Neil Young tribute band. Well, we missed Bob Dylan and arrived just in time for Neil...however no Neil was played! They played some random songs, then broke out in a Spanish rap/beat box session. After that, a friend in my Spanish class went on stage and played some guitar with some of the guys on stage. It was great! However, I do wish I could have heard some Neil...

We are in the "planning trips" phase right now. I bought tickets to Oktoberfest...ridiculous. I will be in Munich from October 2-4. We are looking to solidify trips to Interlaken, Prague, and Amsterdam. I also want to make it to well as Istanbul, Dublin, Greece, and a few other places. I also want to travel around Spain and visit some other cities in this wonderful country. Four months is not enough time!

Tomorrow, I have three classes again. We are going to the aquarium for Mediterranean Oceanography, so that should be awesome. On Friday, we leave for an IES study trip to Girona/Costa Brava for the weekend. I am looking forward to it very much.

That's all I have for crazy Maria stories to report this time. I am loving it here! I hope you are happy wherever you are, blog reader!


  1. Lauren!

    I can't believe you are going to Oktoberfest such good beer! Thanks for the post, things are going well here and sound awesome there! After your first post I almost added a witty comment about how you should attempt to include my full name in all of your posts...My middle name is Gilbert.

    Much love,


  2. Hi baby girl - your blog is so much fun to read - its like being there with you! All the fam is following your life with great interest. We love you!!

  3. So you are calling me Block Plan now?
