Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last Night in the US


Welcome to my blog! I've never "blogged" before so be patient with me... I figured a blog would be the best way to communicate effectively with the largest number of people. Once my euro travels begin, I will post pictures and stories and updates and everything in between!

So, I am in Connecticut right now, staying with my grandparents for a few days. I hung out with Peter Kernan (a friend from Colorado College) today! We got ice cream. My flight leaves tomorrow evening out of JFK. I fly from JFK to Heathrow, and then from Heathrow to Barcelona.

I have contacted my future roommate, along with my host family. My roommate's name is Katie, and she goes to Penn State. I had a really awkward/hilarious conversation with my host Mom. She seems really nice and eager to help me learn Spanish and experience Barcelona.

I have tried to think of words for my feelings right now but they are all synonyms of excited and nervous. I took Spanish all through middle school and high school, so I know a bit, but I am no where near fluent. Hopefully I will come out of this semester with a better grasp of the language.

From what I've heard about Barcelona, it sounds like quite the wild place...dinner isn't until 10 pm, bars/discos stay open until 7 could not be any more different than my lifestyle this past year. Different is not a bad thing! I am excited to live a cosmopolitan lifestyle and experience all sorts of new things.

That's all I got. Next time I "blog," I will be in Bar-thhheey-lona!
